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ABAB Deck Head

ABAB Deck Head

The most effective collector head for energy wood cutting. The range is up to 350 mm, with an effective collection function. The ABAB lane head is a workpiece with a collection function designed for cutting bio energy trees, thinning for cutting, cleaning bristles from the road and ditch.

The strains are cut and collected in a upright position. Wooden bundles are then stored in a suitable location. A fast and easy-to-use collector gives you high cutting productivity and retention of multiple strains in the same cycle of work reduces the number of movements in the truck.

ABAB Langetuspea
Cutting blade ensures high cutting performance. The life of the cutter is considerably longer than in the same operating conditions for chainsaw versions.

ABAB Langetaspea’s strength is he:
• Simplicity and durable construction
• Flexible and light weight
• Speed ​​and high productivity

Gives you the strength to continue cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting, ..